Jul 31


Spaccanapoli is the street that goes from Quartieri Spagnoli neighbourhood to Forcella neighbourhood, cutting a straight line through the heart of the city. It is very clearly visible from San Martino and has very ancient origins: the Romans based the construction of the city on this road.

Walking through Spaccanapoli you cross the millenary history of Naples: you can admire ancient buildings and churches and smell the typical scents of Neapolitan cuisine coming from the “bassi” (small popular apartments at street level). You will meet artisans and sellers of all kinds and at every step you will be surprised.

Hopestel is located right in the heart of Naples and it is just a few minutes walk from Spaccanapoli. Spaccanapoli is a long, narrow and chaotic street, but it is the best one to feel and experience the history and soul of the city.

image shot at Ara Ha